Projektmanagement Event / Live Communication (m/w/d)
- Stuttgart
- Event/Messe
- S40344
- DD Stuttgart
- Sonja Schimek
The Agency:
Erfolgreich, international, inhabergeführt. Familiäres Klima, wertschätzender Umgang und Überstundenregelung. Zentrale Lage und teilweise Remote möglich.
The Job:
- Projektmanagement/Steuerung von komplexen Veranstaltungen und
internationalen Events
- Professionelles Teilnehmermanagement / Guest Management
- Verantwortung / Eigenständigkeit / Zuverlässigkeit
- Kundenansprache: souverän, kompetent, multilingual
- abgeschlossenes Studium Marketing oder vergleichbare Ausbildung
- Mind. 2-3 Jahre Erfahrung im Eventmanagement
- Affinität zu automotive Themen von Vorteil
- Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Eigendynamik, selbständiges Arbeiten
- German and English! sehr gute Kenntnisse
- Teamworker und ausgeprägte soziale Kompetenz
DESIGNERDOCK - our service for you
- We are the premiere recruitment agency for the creative industries in Germany, specialising in marketing, design, UX and much more! We have made it our mission to help our candidates on their career paths.
- Becoming a "Designerdocker" is free, including our career guidance.
- If we find you a permanent position, your future employer pays us a fee. If you would like to find freelance work through us, you simply incorporate a 10% commission for us in your rates.
- Don't hesitate to send us an application, even if you don't see a job opening here which fits you perfectly: we have dozens of new jobs coming in each week.
- Designerdock is non-binding and free for you
- Unlike employers, we advise you independently and transparently and help you to find suitable jobs and advance your career.
- We do the work for you: we proactively send you jobs that are suitable for you.
Königstraße 27 70173 Stuttgart
- View on Google Maps
- +49 711 7223 0240
- +49 30 6959 6612
- [email protected]