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Welcome to FRANKFURT


Frankfurt is hip city life, Städel Museum and cider.
Frankfurt is open, relaxed and international.
Frankfurt is a chic banking district, exciting station districts and park.
According to the New York Times, Frankfurt is one of the 52 most worthwhile travel destinations in the world.

Team Frankfurt

  • Alexander Haase

    Alexander ist auf klassischem Weg in die Kommunikationsbranche gekommen: nämlich als Quereinsteiger. Nach Studium und langen Jahren als Journalist wechselte er Anfang der 2000er in die Werbung und hat danach fast 20 Jahre als Texter, CD und ECD für Agenturen wie u.a. Ogilvy und Jung von Matt gearbeitet. Weil er weiß, dass Karrierewege in der Werbebranche manchmal weniger geradlinig sind als anderswo, freut er sich, heute junge (und nicht mehr ganz so junge) Talente beraten zu können.

  • Simona Hepp
    Recruitment Consultant for Account Management

    After studying at the German Academy for Direct Marketing, Simona occupied various positions at Frankfurter ad agencies such as DSB&K and McCann Momentum. The experienced account manager supports her DESIGNERDOCK candidates in planning their careers and our clients in finding the right match.
  • Lutz Augustin
    Recruitment Consultant for Graphic, Design & Text

    Lutz has worked for several years for large and small advertising and design agencies as an art director as well as creative director. Working as a freelance designer for the last few years enabled Lutz to witness the progress in the professional field of advertising and design and to have his fingers on the pulse of the industry. Now working for DESIGNERDOCK, Lutz utilizes his experience, skills and knowledge to support and advise designers, art directors and decision-makers in agencies.
  • Tina Gössl
    Team Assistant

    As an assistant since 2006, Tina Gössl provides support for the team in their dealings with candidates and clients. She has many years of experience in the organisational area and in project and human resources management. 

Contact Us


Gluckstraße 27
60318 Frankfurt am Main