Work Permits in Germany for Creatives from Non-EU countries * Arbeitsgenehmigungen für Kreative von außerhalb der EU *

...da wir uns heute mal an Kandidaten wenden, die aus Ländern außerhalb der EU kommen, ist unser Beitrag diesmal auf Englisch.

Germany is among the most desired job destinations for young people from all over the world and the present situation on the job market for creatives could not be much better. Agencies and enterprises search for talents all over the place, hoping to find the diamond gems among the golden jewelry … Many companies no more refrain from taking on foreign colleagues – even though the language definitely remains an issue.

What a wonderful opportunity for talented designers from abroad to try their luck and find a job in the centre of Europe!

Being located far away, it certainly makes sense to raise your chances by contacting a specialized recruiting agency. They will connect you with interesting employers & work environments. 

Here comes the catch though: It is not enough to secure a cool job. You will definitely need a work permit.

Without a doubt - this is the most important thing next to a job offer. Without it you will not be able to start, no matter how talented you are.

You probably heard that it is a tough process - and some of your friends’ applications may have been rejected by the consulate. The good news here: Web Design is rated as “Shortage Occupation” by the German Federal Labor Authorities, meaning that a work permit – in principle – may be given on a preferred basis.  

Without a job offer you won’t get a working permit - without a working permit you won’t get a job.

Important to know: Work permits in Germany are given only with a valid job offer/contract from a German company and they cannot be applied by the candidate him/herself. The application at the labor authorities is the employer’s business only. 

Your personal part of the process is the application for your long term immigration at the German consulate in your home country. 

Nowadays companies may ask the candidate to share the cost for a professional support of the visa process by an agency. This is fair enough as it is a chance for both parties and it may increase your chances if you agree. Of course this should be carefully considered as it is not a “must” in the business. 

Three important things to keep in mind when applying for a job in Germany:

Carefully check your diploma. If it is approved by the German Ministry of Culture, meaning that it is listed in their official data base anabin, you already meet one basic requirement for a smooth assessment process. Furthermore it will definitely help if your future job title is in line with your education title. 

Emphasize your awareness of the working permit processes to your recruiter and that you are willing to assist them with all information you have. This may sound evident but will possibly break the company’s hesitance to go through the bureaucratic procedure with you.

Talking about salaries the authorities’ position is very clear: The minimum salary for a specialist’s work permit was set at a monthly 3.302,- EUR in 2017. In some cases this threshold may actually be a show stopper, but of course there is always negotiation about this point. 

The process indeed seems complex - but it can be managed. And it is worth the try – securing a job in Germany will open the door to a most exiting experience and you will most likely love it!

If you are from outside of the EU and need further information about work permits in Germany, please don’t hesitate to call or email Barbara Rietzsch anytime:

Barbara Rietzsch M.A.
Phone: +49-89-2322 5891

If you are seeking new opportunities to work in Germany, please check out our Vacancies Board.

If you would like to apply to become a DESIGNERDOCK candidate, please fill out our Application Form.

Der gute Arbeitsmarkt für Kreative (z.B. Webdesigner) lässt deutsche Arbeitgeber nun auch außerhalb der EU nach Kandidaten schauen. Nach erfolgreichem Vertragsschluss und der Genehmigung durch die Agentur für Arbeit muss im Heimatland noch ein Reisevisum beantragt werden. 

Die Chancen, dass ein Antrag Erfolg hat, stehen derzeit sehr gut, denn Webdesign gilt in Deutschland als Mangelberuf. Voraussetzung für die Genehmigung sind im Normalfall ein anabin anerkannter Ausbildungsabschluss und im Jahr 2017 ein Mindestgehalt von 3.302,- EUR.  Ein Versuch lohnt sich also auf jeden Fall.

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